Chicago Bulls rumors: Is it the end for Derrick Rose and the Bulls?

Derrick RoseReuters

Hearing about Derrick Rose likely to be traded at some point is nothing new, but this time, critics have been putting the pieces of the puzzle together. And once patched, the fact board does seem to make sense.

Where to begin? Well, one is the fact that Rose has failed to stay healthy for the last couple of years. He has been hampered by injuries after winning the National Basketball Association (NBA) Most Valuable Player (MVP) back in 2011 and his knees have now been put into question.

This year, his knees held up but a freak accident hit his left eye orbital instead. Rose is playing as we speak, but it is clear that he is bothered by problems in sight. He hasn't been the usual "take-it-to-the-basket" player everyone is familiar with, although the Bulls are winning.

The winning part is what makes it entirely scary for the former MVP. The fact is that even with Rose out of the roster, the Bulls have been performing up to par. The fact is the Bulls have a roster that is not that bad and they have managed to win games with Rose on the sidelines.

With that said, is Rose dispensable? Once his contract is up, is he still expecting a big deal on the table?

That thought alone should be an indication that Rose and the Bulls will likely face an impasse on compensation as well as the length of the contract. While it is not Rose's fault that he has been out of action due to injury, there is still a business angel which the Bulls will, of course, take into consideration.

So are the Bulls headed to an ugly divorce? All the signs are there for a possible lead towards that direction. For now, Rose has to keep his mind on helping the Bulls since he is still technically under contract.