Chicago Bulls trade rumors 2016: Rudy Gay in a three-way trade deal including Phoenix Suns

(Photo: Reuters/File)

As the trade season still rages on, a lot of fans are still on the look out on who will transfer to another team as well as the ones who will be staying. Right now, rumors point out that the Chicago Bulls, Sacramento Kings, and Phoenix Suns are talking about a three-way trade.

According to the Parent Herald, rumors say that the Bulls want to get Sacramento King's small forward Rudy Gay on their team. As such, they are willing to forego Taj Gibson in order to accomplish this. However, this might not be enough, since this arrangement can only be made possible if the Suns will join this deal as well.

After all, with Gibson replacing Gay in the Phoenix Suns, he can be a great asset for the team's frontcourt plays. As such, for this arrangement, Brandon Knight will then be moved to the Kings and Gay will be placed with the Bulls subsequently, which will certainly benefit the three teams in the upcoming season.

CBS Sports reports that Rudy Gay has already expressed his future with the team, and it is most likely that he will move out of Sacramento Kings. He has discussed about his dissatisfaction about how the team is communicating with him in terms of the NBA trade-offs. As such, he is talking with Vlade Divac in order to reach an agreement.

In an intervew with ABC10, he said that he was able to get some time to start changing things with his manager. He even went so far as to say that at this point of his career, he only wants to be happy, and that the talk with his manager should be geared towards this end.

Regardless, the Chicago Bulls needs Gay to fill their shooting gap, while the Kings will gain Knight and the Suns will ultimately gain Gibson. This will bolster each teams' performance in the upcoming season, but as of now there are still no confirmation whether or not this deal will pull through.