'Chicago Fire' season 5 spoilers: wedding bells on the show soon?

Casey and Dawson in "Chicago Fire"Facebook/NBCChicagoFire

The wedding bells will be ringing in "Chicago Fire" season 5 for Gabriella Dawson (Monica Raymund) and Matthew Casey (Jesse Spencer).

Although the two will do it in a heartbeat for the custody of Louie, this marriage will mean more than that, according to "Chicago Fire" executive producer Matt Olmstead.

"We're not averse to that. [However], it's not something that they would do 'shotgun-style' just to facilitate an adoption," Olmstead told TV Line about Dawson and Casey's marriage.

"They wouldn't do it just for appearances sake. If and when they do it, they'll do it because it's time," he went on to say, adding that they will make "a big episode" for it.

Marrying for the adoption will also be unfair for the two and even Louie. This is why, for the pair, they make it a point not to push through with something life-changing on a whim.

Olmstead added that with something big like this happening to Dawson and Casey, it won't just be any other "Chicago Fire" episode, so fans can expect a massive episode when they tie the knot.

It is indeed deserving of a big episode, seeing what these two had to go through to finally end up in each other's arms. This further applies to Dawson, who took the heartbreak much harder than Casey.

Dawson felt inconsolably heartbroken and alone following the breakup while Casey did all he can to move forward in his career. Dawson eventually found comfort by adopting Louie.

Everything was going great for Dawson, and then Casey decided to be back in her life after realizing that he loves Dawson.

While it is looking like Dawson and Casey will tie the knot in "Chicago Fire" season 5, it is being said that the former still has qualms about the latter's intention of marrying him.

"Chicago Fire" season 5 premieres Oct. 11 at 10 p.m. ET on NBC.