Children to Take the Reigns at Methodist Church House

The Methodist Church is one of the first UK denominations to sign up for the new initiative from the Children's Commissioner for England to inspire and encourage children and teenagers in England by letting them take the top seat in businesses and organisations for the day.

The 11MILLION Takeover Day is an initiative of the Children's Commissioner for England that invites the 11 million children and young people in England to take control of businesses and organisations.

On Friday 26 November, children and young people will take over at Methodist Church House, finding out about the different work that goes on to support the national Church and offering their own thoughts and insights.

Individuals, groups and institutions are being encouraged to demonstrate a commitment to listening and recognising the talents of children and young people across England by handing over the reigns for one day.

Doug Swanney, Methodist Children's Work Development Officer, says; "The 11MILLION Takeover Day is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate and recognise the importance of children and young people in our society and the role they have to play.

"We can show children that they really can make a difference - we need to empower them and show them that their opinions, skills and ideas really do count. We're looking forward to the takeover here at Methodist Church House - it will be great to hear how the children would like to see things done here and to see what they can teach us."

Local churches are also being encouraged to get involved, with resources available at, including child protection and safety guidelines from the NSPCC.

Safeguarding advice is also available from the Methodist Church and churches can share their ideas for the day on the MethodistChildren website:

Jonathan Kerry, Coordinating Secretary for Worship and Learning, says; "Takeover Day gives churches a chance to do something different, whether it involves a community event on the Friday night or a special Sunday service to celebrate children's contributions.

"They could invite children to get involved in all the different tasks that go into making the church run properly - everything from writing the weekly newsletter to greeting people as they come though the door."