Children's Society Runaway Campaign

In the light of the rising concerns over runaway children in England, the Children’s Society will launch a nationwide campaign throughout churches across the country in November to help runaway children at risk. The campaign named “The Big Safe and Sound Sign Up”, aims to collect 100,000 signatures, one for every child who runs away from home each year.

According to the research published by the Children’s Society in March 2004, more than 15,000 children in the UK, aged under 16, are thrown out of home each year by parents who hit, neglect and reject them. These runaway children have almost no direct access to emergency accommodation; around 18% sleep rough or at a stranger’s house.

More than 3,000 say they have been physically or sexually assaulted by strangers on the streets, or by so called “friends” and relatives who offer them a place to stay. Some resort to begging, prostitution or crime to survive, as they are wary of approaching social services, the police or other agencies to seek help.

“The Big Safe and Sound Sign Up” therefore calls on local authorities and the Government to build a national network of emergency accommodation for young runaways. Moreover, it promotes the “Safe and Sound Test”, based on the guidelines from the Department of Health of the UK Government, to ensure all the local authorities in England have plans for young runaways. The three basic criteria to pass the test are as follows:

  • A manager with responsibility for young runaways;
  • A plan about how to respond to young runaways;
  • An agreement about how they will evaluate that plan.

A group of 23 bishops have already joined the campaign. Leading the group of bishops is Rev Tim Stevens, Bishop of Leicester. He is also the new Chairman of the Trustee Board for the Children’s Society. Bishop Stevens said, “We have a Christian responsibility to open up our faith and hearts to the children that others reject, such as young refugees, children in trouble with law, young runaways and disabled children. These are children who are living on the fringes of their communities and need to be loved unconditionally.”

“The Church is a powerful movement and its strength lies in its ability to reflect and act. The Children’s Society gives us all an opportunity to put that faith into action by putting our name to this petition. If we stand alongside one another today, we can truly improve life tomorrow for the children most at risk in our communities,” he added.

Bob Reitemeier, chief executive of The Children’s Society, says, “We are looking for 100,000 signatures - one for every runaway child. We must not let them become society’s disposable children. It’s a huge task - but with support we can make these children’s lives safer.”

“You can help by asking your local church to hold a Sign Up Sunday to make England a safer place for runaway children at risk.”

The Children’s Society has written to bishops and clergy in every Church of England diocese asking if they will hold a Sign Up Sunday in November, where parishioners can sign up and show their support.

The Children’s Society, is an outspoken Christian charity which aims to build a better world where all children are being heard, understood and loved.

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair showed his support for the campaign, “The Children’s Society’s Safe and Sound campaign plays a valuable role in reminding all those who work in children’s services of their responsibilities towards children who run away from, or have been rejected by, their families.”

Rev. Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury said, “The Children’s Society is committed to seeing children whole, and to enabling us all to share that seeing. It is in that sense simply taking its lead from Christ... We can give thanks for all that The Children's Society has done in telling unwelcome truths.”

For any further details, please visit the The Children’s Society website. Copies of the petition are also available in any Children’s Society shop, and can be downloaded from the Society website, where there is also an online e-petition.