China Government Denies Knowledge of Missing Bishop

Government officials and authorities in China have denied knowing anything about the fate of 83-year-old Mgr Shi Enxian from Yixian (Hebei province) - a Bishop in a Chinese underground Church who disappeared four years ago. His whereabouts are still unknown.

With the grave concern that his fate might become like Mcrs Fan Xueyn and Li Lifang who died in prison, the Chinese underground Church has made the detention of the mission Bishop public.

This seems to indicate why Bishop Shi’s name was not on the list of bishops and priests imprisoned by the Chinese authorities that was published by AsiaNews in March, and why underground Church sources have asked that information about Bishop Shi’s disappearance be revealed to the public.

News about the six-year detention of 42-year-old Fr Liu Deli which is to be revealed has also been demanded from the same sources. He also was not known to be a member of the underground Church.

Authorities have been after Bishop Shi Enxiang since 1995 and he eventually disappeared in his niece’s home in Beijing on 13th April, 2001. Eyewitnesses reported that two cars with licence plates from Xushui (Hebei province) took the bishop and drove away. The bishop’s family went to the local police for more information but were refused. Beijing police denied knowing anything about his whereabouts according to AsiaNews.

After four years, still nothing is known about the Bishop’s captivity and the government is still refusing to acknowledge anything.

Very little is known about the fate of Fr Liu Deli since March 1999 except that he was taken into custody by the Chinese government that had invited him to a meeting. There are still no signs that he might be released shortly.

The names of 18 bishops and 19 priests whose fate is still a mystery are in the list published by AsiaNews which also comes with a petition to be sent to the Chinese government asking for the leaders’ release.