China says food safety push a complete success

China on Monday declared its four-month campaign to ensure food safety a complete success, with all objectives being met months before Beijing hosts the Summer Olympics.

Scandals involving substandard food, drugs and other goods are reported by Chinese media almost every day. The issue burst into the international spotlight when tainted additives exported from China contaminated pet food in North America.

Millions of toys made in China were recalled last year, many by U.S. giant Mattel, mainly because of excessive levels of lead paint.

"The tasks of the rectification campaign have been fulfilled completely and its objectives have all been reached," the State Council Information Office said in a news release.

"The illegal practice of using non-food materials and or recycled food to produce and process food has been basically eliminated. The illegal practice of abusing food additives such as preservatives and colouring has been effectively held back."

The People's Daily said last month the latest campaign, spearheaded by Vice Premier Wu Yi, had been a valuable experience, and praised the hard work of the inspectors.

"It effectively guarantees food safety for consumers in the market," it added.

Problems with food safety are particularly pronounced in China's vast countryside, where lax oversight of the many small factories has contributed to a string of food poisoning incidents.

Public fears about food safety grew in 2004 when at least 13 babies died of malnutrition in Anhui province after they were fed fake milk powder.