CHIPS Welcomes New Director at 40th Anniversary

The Christian International Peace Service has celebrated its 40th anniversary last week with a warm welcome to its new director Mark Cuthbert.

Founder and outgoing director of CHIPS Roy Calvocoressi welcomed the youth and energy that Cuthbert would bring to the leadership of CHIPS as he stepped down after forty years.

With many conflicts erupting over access to scarce water supplies, Mr Calvocoressi also welcomed the particularly vital expertise that Cuthbert's hydrogeology qualifications bring to the role of CHIPS director.

Mr Cuthbert is currently leading CHIPS in the repair of eight cattle dams in Uganda as part of its peacemaking work to resolve conflicts over precious water supplies during dry seasons.

CHIPS teams take up permanent residence in conflicting communities where they bring individuals from each side of the divide to work together in hands-on projects which break down barriers and build trust. Mr Cuthbert said at the 40th anniversary celebration that CHIPS would be expanding its projects into even more countries in the next year.