Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson news: Beach pics fuel dating rumors

Chris Martin performs with U2 during a surprise concert in support of World AIDS Day in Times Square in New York, December 1, 2014.REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

Coldplay frontman Chris Martin has been spotted more frequently in public with "50 Shades of Grey" actress Dakota Johnson. It has been widely speculated that the two celebrities have been dating for quite a while now, and the increased number of public sightings, most recently together at a beach, has made their relationship status appear to the public as official. 

In the photos taken of Martin and Johnson, it can be seen that the two are happily walking along a beach in Malibu, California, with each other's arms wrapped around one another. Martin has his arm over Johnson's shoulder, and Johnson has hers around his waist. They are also seen walking barefoot on the sand, while Martin sports a long sleeves swimming shirt and a black cap, and Johnson wearing a flowy dress.

In addition to the photos, witnesses also spotted the two being comfortable with each other at a restaurant over the weekend. However, the two celebrity A-listers were not alone in their beach trip. Johnson brought her dog Zeppelin along. Rumors of the two dating have been prevalent ever since October of 2017, but neither party has officially announced their relationship.

A month after the news started circulating, Johnson was spotted sitting very close to the stage at a concert of Martin's band, Coldplay. Ever since, the couple has been spotted in romantic situations on numerous occasions -- such as a romantic dinner in Paris and a ski trip in Colorado. 

Both Martin and Johnson may be involved with the entertainment business, but have very different personalities. In fact, Johnson is considered to be a free-spirited person, which separates her from the previous women who have come and gone in Martin's life. Also, Johnson had a very rough childhood due to the rocky relationship of her parents, Melanie Griffiths and Don Johnson -- both of which are celebrities as well.