Christian agency assists California wildfire relief efforts

As fires in southern California rage for the eighth day in a row, World Emergency Relief (WER) continues to assist local relief efforts for wildfire evacuees in a number of capacities.

WER provided four large boxes of clothing, 12,000 drinks, 100 blankets and other supplies for fire victims.

WER Board member Peggy Reiber, director of a local organisation that is helping evacuees, is managing the supply distribution.

WER Representative Jennifer O'Leary aided wildfire victims at Mission Hills High School in San Marcos.

She worked there for three days, encouraging and comforting evacuees, distributing food, bathing elderly evacuees, and assisting in other relief efforts.

WER is preparing a donation of handmade quilts, which Reiber and WER staff intend to distribute to families who lost their homes.

WER also has a semi-truck full of food, blankets and relief supplies on its way.

As soon as the logistics are fully worked out and proper beneficiaries are identified and verified, WER Board member Gary Becks and his local emergency response team will distribute the semi's relief supplies.

WER will continue to monitor the situation and give aid as needed.

World Emergency Relief is a global family of seven charities sharing a common vision and core values.

WER's family works with local and indigenous nonprofit organisations to fight poverty and hunger, and provide relief for disaster victims.

WER's vision is "giving children a living chance", by addressing the practical, emotional, spiritual, educational and economic needs of children, their families and their communities.