Christian Aid announces new chair

Christian Aid has announced the appointment of a new Chair, Anne Owers, who will take up the post towards the end of this year.

Ms Owers, who will continue in her position as HM Chief Inspector of Prisons. is a former director of JUSTICE, the law reform and human rights organisation. In 2000 she received a CBE in recognition for her human rights work.

The appointment is being made as the successor to Bishop John Gladwin, the Bishop of Chelmsford, who is standing down after 10 years as Chair of Christian Aid.

"I am delighted to have been asked to succeed Bishop John Gladwin, though he will be a hard act to follow," said Ms Owers.

"I very much admire Christian Aid's combination of practical help and powerful advocacy, and look forward to working with the Board, the staff and the member churches to tackle poverty and its causes."

Prior to her appointment as Chief Inspector of Prisons in 2001, Ms Owers held a wide range of voluntary and public positions. While Director of Justice, between 1992 and 2001, she helped secure the setting up of the Criminal Cases Review Commission to investigate possible miscarriages of justice, and was a member of the Task Force to implement the Human Rights Act.

Between 1986 and 1992 she was General Secretary of the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants. During that period she was also a member of the Race and Community Relations Committee of the Church of England. Her commitment to issues of diversity goes back to the 1970s, when she became a member of the Race Relations Commission of the diocese of Southwark.

Anne Owers was educated at Washington Grammar School in County Durham before going on to study history at Girton College, Cambridge. After graduation, she spent three years teaching in Zambia and conducting PhD research into African history.

"Anne Owers' reputation as a leader in the voluntary sector and as a trusted and valued public servant is outstanding. So is her Christian commitment to serve the poor of the world by seeking to alleviate poverty," said Rev Dr David Cornick, General Secretary of Churches Together in England, who led the selection process for Christian Aid.

"It is a privilege as well as a pleasure to welcome Anne to Christian Aid, and to look forward to the visionary and collaborative leadership that she will bring to its work."

Gillian Kingston, member of the Christian Aid Board from the Republic of Ireland, welcomed the "many qualities and much experience" that Ms Owers brings to the task.

"I am personally delighted that she has accepted the challenge and am confident that her appointment will be welcomed among Christian Aid's supporters and within the churches," she said.