Christian Aid assisting after deadly cyclone in India

Christian Aid is responding to communities affected by a deadly cyclone in India.

It has released £50,000 to partner organisations after Cyclone Thane swept through the eastern coastal state of Tamil Nadu on December 30.

The storm killed 48 people and forced around 6,000 villagers from their homes. Many buildings and roads were destroyed, and power cables brought down.

Substantial damage has also been caused to crops, which Christian Aid says will affect immediate survival needs as well as long-term livelihoods.

The clean-up and reconstruction is underway but many communities are still without electricity or clean drinking water.

Christian Aid said it was particularly concerned about the welfare of socially excluded Dalit communities and Sri Lankan Tamil refugees.

In response to the crisis, Christian Aid has launched a Rapid Emergency Response Initiative providing support to the Organisation for Eelam Refugees Rehabilitation and Social Awareness Society for Youths, two existing partner organisations in Tamil Nadu that have already carried out assessments and begun relief activities.

Emergency food provisions consisting of dry food such as rice, flour and milk powder for two weeks are being circulated along with winter kits of bedding and floor mats for those whose houses have been destroyed.