Christian Aid Calling Thousands to Lobby Parliament for Trade Justice

Christian Aid has highlighted a crucial World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting in December as a time where something must be done to tackle trade justice.

|PIC1|The Christian charity is calling on all people supporting the calls for trade justice to join thousands of others at parliament in London to demand that support be given to make poverty history by delivering trade justice – not free trade.

The protest rally will take place on Wednesday 2 November 2005 from 12pm till 6pm at Westminster.

Christian Aid tell that lobbies are being held across Europe and the world, where thousands are making the loud call for trade justice, stating that free trade simply is not good enough.

The effort will be to add pressure to the WTO who meet in December in Hong Kong.

Christian Aid in the UK wish to rally the UK government and its partners in the European Union, to halt the push on poor countries to open up their economies. In addition, Christian Aid is asking that the world governments respect poor countries’ right to decide on trade policies to help end poverty and protect the environment.

As many people as possible are being called by the aid charity so that as much pressure as possible can be placed on the MP’s and so that their concerns will be plainly noticed by the country’s leading politicians.

The lobby will continue throughout the afternoon with people forming a queue outside Parliament. The queue will be colour-coded by nation and region to enable constituents to lobby their MP together.

Christian Aid are advertising a lobby pack that is available to people interested in joining the rally, which is being organised by the Trade Justice Movement (TJM), working in partnership with the Co-Operative Bank.

Christian Aid is a member of both the TJM and the Make Poverty History campaign and is hoping all of its supporters will join the rally. In addition, the relief charity is also asking for people to join a rally in Brussels on 21 November to add pressure on the EU to take action.

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