Christian Aid Celebrates 60th Anniversary at St.Paul's Cathedral

On Tuesday 26 April, the Christian Aid agency of the churches in the UK and Ireland celebrated its 60th anniversary in St Paul's Cathedral. More than two thousand supporters from around the United Kingdom participated in the service celebration of the charity, including prayers from all around the world and communion.

Christian Aid say that it works wherever the need is greatest without any discrimination, and has been continuously been giving help through 16 overseas offices. It aims for a new world transformed by an end to poverty and is campaigning to change trade and debt rules that are keeping the poor in poverty.

Among many campaigns of Christian Aid, the first big event of the Make Poverty History, called the "Global Week of Action on Trade Justice Campaign" was launched from 10-16 April and many powerful charities and organisations joined.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams was also present at Tuesday's celebration, and he expressed his support for Christian Aid's campaign and has called for richer countries to stop naïve faith in free trade, which has been hampering the efforts of the poorest countries.

Dr. Rowan Williams thanked Christian Aid for its help and work in broadening UK churches and also encouraged supporters to continue campaigning for trade justice.

"We should not be content to live in a world where poverty goes hand in hand with a despairing assumption that the world is organised in the interest of others," he added.