Christian Aid Exhibition Highlights Global Issues

An exhibition by top artists, including Tracey Emin and Gavin Turk, for humanitarian charity Christian Aid is due to be launched next week, 12 September, to maintain public awareness of the problems of world poverty, reports Ekklesia.
Christian Aid asked the artists, which also include Keith Coventry, Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Simon English, Rob and Nick Carter, Dan Macmillan, and composer, Michael Nyman, to design a globe, each on one of the UN Millennium Development Goals.

The globes will then be made by Greaves and Thomas of the Isle of Wight and put on display at the New Gallery at The Fine Art Society on New Bond Street, London, until 17 September 2005.

The globes will then be auctioned, along with the artists’ original artwork, on 15 September at the The Fine Art Society. All proceeds of the auction will go to Christian Aid.

Spokeswoman for Christian Aid, Karen Hedges, said: “We’re really excited about this exhibition and thrilled so many high profile artists are helping us highlight the issues of global poverty.
“Progress on reaching the goals has been painfully slow – urgent action is needed now if they have any chance of being met. Pressure must be put on governments to fulfil their promises.”

She added: “By working with well respected, socially and politically aware artists, Christian Aid hopes to present the issues in an interesting and accessible way.”

The Fine Art Society also expressed its delight at hosting such an event for a good cause. Head of Contemporary Art at The Fine Art Society, Toby Clarke, said: “The Fine Art Society is very pleased to be hosting an exhibition of unique artworks in the form of traditionally made globes.

“Created by some of the top contemporary artists working in Britain today they will help to raise awareness and funds for this worthwhile cause,” he said.