Christian Aid to Celebrate Golden Jubilee with Green Campaign

Christian Aid Week will celebrate its 50th Birthday this year, 13-19 May, as Britain's longest running door-to-door fundraising week.

The golden jubilee event will kick off by encouraging people of all ages to 'go green' by planting trees in support of the charity's overseas work on climate change projects.

The first Christian Aid Week, in 1957, mobilised residents in 200 towns and villages across Britain, collecting £26,000 for overseas development work. Half a century later Christian Aid hopes to raise £15.5 million from the annual fundraising week.

Christian Aid operates in 700 local organisations across 50 developing countries. Working with poor communities, it trains people to deal with the effects of climate change and prepares them for the threat of natural disasters.

These local organisations also work on HIV, training and education, health and sanitation and peace and reconciliation.

"The world has changed significantly in the past 50 years,'" said Daleep Mukarji, director of Christian Aid.

"Little did we know in 1957 we would be facing the problem of climate change which is already destroying the lives of thousands of vulnerable people across the world.

'"Christian Aid Week remains a vital part of our annual fundraising efforts and as we face new challenges, and our work increases, so too does our reliance on the generosity of the public. Without the incredible support of individuals and churches across the UK and Ireland Christian Aid would not have become the organisation it is today."