Christian Aid Unites with Artists to Raise HIV Awareness

Christian Aid has joined forces with several high profile artists from the northeast to hold an exhibition that will raise awareness and funds for people living with HIV.

ArtAid: Embrace at The Art Works Galleries in the Ouseburn on 24-25 November 2006 will feature around 60 works by northeast artists including Mary Ann Rogers and Tynedale-based artist Enrique Azocar. There will be a public auction on the evening of the 25th to raise money for Christian Aid's HIV partner organisations in Africa.

Also on show and available for auction will be the four sculptures made from decommissioned guns for the BBC Ground Force Africa Garden and several works by Matt Forster of The Art Works Galleries.

Artists William Pym and Sian Bowen, who raised £12,000 for the tsunami appeal through a similar auction in Hexham, have helped in the planning and will have exhibits on display.

"This is a very exciting event for Christian Aid in the northeast," said Kerry Crellin, regional coordinator for the charity, who was inspired to set up the exhibition when Enrique Azocar was her Spanish teacher at the Hexham campus of Newcastle College.

"We hope to develop the project into next year with creative spin-offs in youth and schools work and artists' exchange visits between southern Africa and North East England."

Matt Forster from The Art Works Galleries is also enthusiastic in his support:

"ArtAid:Embrace gives artists and art-lovers in the northeast a wonderful opportunity to respond to the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa," he said. "The Art Works Galleries is delighted to help bring hope to people in desperate need. The enthusiastic response we've had from other contributors suggests we're not alone, so we're hoping for a sell-out for the auction on the 25th November."