Christian Aid warns HIV Treatment must not Restrict Prevention

Christian Aid has given the warning that the HIV pandemic cannot be controlled by cheap drugs alone. The aid group stated that a multi-point approach was required, and that the task of tackling poverty as well as providing antiretroviral (ARV) drugs was urgent.

Currently a report is being compiled which will show how women and young girls are affected more than ever in today's world.

Christian Aid have made known its worry that there are many contradictory and confusing messages being released regarding the HIV pandemic. One message has stated that the situation has escalated to such high proportions in some parts of the world that it was now hopeless. Another is that ARV's in themselves will not be enough to control the spreading virus.

The head of Christian Aid's HIV unit, Dr Rachel Baggalev stated, "Both these ideas are misleading. In certain areas we have seen significant progress. The introduction of cheaper antiretrovirals is a positive move, but we must realise that it not the sole answer to the crisis."

Christian Aid has given its support to the initiative set up by the World Health Organisation (WHO), which looks to set up 3 million people on ARV’s by 2005 – the '3 by 5 target'. However, the aid agency has warned that it must be ensured that resources are not diverted away from prevention to treatment.

Dr Baggaley said, "Poverty is one of the key drivers of this epidemic. Unless we tackle issues of trade, debt and the lack of trained health care workers, we cannot begin to win the battle. Providing drugs without taking account of these issues will not work in the long term."

A call has also been made by Christian Aid requesting that wealthier countries should cancel the debts owed to them by the poorer nations. Zambia for instance, has one million people who have been registered as HIV-positive, yet the country spends 30% more on its debts than on its health services. Kenya also spends $0.76 per capita on HIV services, compared to $12.92 per capita on debts.

WHO representative, Ties Boerma reported, "They flag a number of issues which we also think are important. The reduction of poverty is very crucial. The other issue is the lack of trained health workers. We are working hard on launching an initiative on training health workers, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Currently there are 600,000-700,000. We need at least a million more in the next five years or so."

However, he defended WHO's 3 by 5 target, and said that he did not think that this would divert funding away from prevention strategies. He said, "By setting our goals high we draw attention to other inequalities."

The UK Department for International Development released a statement saying that it supported debt relief as a means of reducing poverty and HIV burden in the world’s poorer countries.

"We are paying our share - approximately 10% - of the debt service costs to the World Bank and the African Development Bank for eligible countries, many of which are amongst the hardest hit by HIV and AIDS."