Christian Aid Week 2009

|PIC1|Christian Aid Week 2009: 22,000 churches with one vision

The vision: an end to global poverty.

Big words – but at Christian Aid we believe that by working together, the vision of a world free from poverty can become a reality.

Stand united

This year over 22,000 churches and 300,000 people will stand united for 7 days, helping to keep hope alive in poor communities all over the world. Make sure your church is part of Christian Aid Week 2009.

Play your part in securing their future

Nadia is 18 and lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2005 she lost her father and her family’s income dropped precariously low - barely enough for food. Nadia had to leave school. But sewing training from a Christian Aid partner gave her hope for the future once more. Nadia is now earning a small income and helping to teach other young women to sew. ‘They gave me education for life’, Nadia says.

Nadia’s mother has a message for us: ‘You volunteers should not be discouraged when you’re turned away from houses. You should carry on because without that money it would be very difficult for… children from destitute backgrounds to get training, get a job and secure their future.’

Your support is critical

Your church has a critical role to play in seeing the vision become reality. Get involved this Christian Aid Week and join a growing movement for global change.

Free resources

Could you hold a collection or organise a fundraising event? Could you incorporate themes of justice and hope into your services and stand in solidarity with the world’s poorest? With a brand new free DVD, packed full of resources for worship, teaching and group study for all ages, everything you need is at your fingertips.

Help keep hope alive.
Click here for your free church resources and find out how your church can help

Christian Aid Week 10 – 16 May 2009