Christian Artist Rebecca St James performs at Annual Movieguide awards 2004

Australian-born singer and Grammy Award winner Rebecca St James performed the finale at the 12th annual Movieguide Faith & Values Awards also known as the ‘Christian Oscars’. The awards ceremony gives awards to films and television productions and those involved in them for best conveying Christian morals and values. Such awards are given to nominees of most inspiring movie in which the winners are presented with the prestigious Epiphany Award and also give recognition to the ten best family movies.

Prior to her performance at the movieguide awards, Ms. St James had been a guest speaker at the White House, received the 2004 Dove Award Nomination for best female artist and has made guest appearances on television for ‘Fox News Magazine’, ‘Hannity and Colmes’ and ‘Fox and friends’.

St James is currently in Los Angeles for a special concert event “celebration Freedom” in which large crowds are expected. She will be leaving for Panama today but will return later in the month to continue her hectic tour schedule throughout this summer and autumn and in October she will release her long awaited book entitled “She”, published by Tyndale House. Her previous book reached #1 on the CBA bestseller list.