Christian Broadcasters from US Visit Trans World Radio in Eastern Europe

Recently, the Chairman of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) based in the US and a team of other Christian broadcast executives, made a joint visit to Trans World Radio (TWR) in Eastern Europe.

Crossing a number of countries including Albania, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Austria and Italy, the team has been inspired by the work of TWR and other partners who continue to overcome all difficulties in the hope of using their professional skills to re-evangelise their people.

NRB Chairman Dr. Ron Harris and Bill Blount, NRB Second Vice-Chairman were interviewed on Radio One in Cakovec, Croatia. When asked about the evidence of changed lives by those who listen to the truth of God proclaimed over Christian radio, they shared story after story of the power of Christ to change the hearts of those who put their trust in him. They also introduced Christian radio in the United States.

Blount has realised the spiritual situation of Europe through the trip. Blount was surprised by how "unevangelised" most of Europe is. He cited the example of Italy, a traditionally strong Roman Catholic country, less than 1% of the population are evangelical and almost 18% of the people say they are atheist or agnostic.

On the other hand, Blount was "truly impressed by both the ingenuity and conviction of those in broadcasting to creatively present the Gospel with relevance, using the few resources they have available to them."

In Eastern Europe where the resources are not very abundant, Christian broadcasters have to run their ministries with more faith and perseverance than their US-counterparts. The NRB Executive Committee has been seeking ways to encourage Christian broadcasters in the US to partner with those in other parts of the world, NRB Chairman Dr. Harris said.

Blount added it was thrilling to see how TWR partners with various broadcast teams in each country, allowing them to decide how to best reach their own individual communities, and giving the guidance and technical resources necessary to accomplish their goals.

"Since the fall of Communism over a decade ago, these countries have gone through a lot of change and, in most cases, a lot of turmoil," said Harris. "The need is great and the challenges are enormous for these broadcasters."