Christian Charities Partner to Bring Hope & Love to Children of Beslan

|TOP|Two Christian organisations have joined forces to send gifts of hope and love to children in Beslan who survived the school hostage tragedy of September 2004.

The announcement comes as accusations resurfaced this week among the relatives of the victims that there had been an official cover-up of the attack which left 331 people dead.

Buckner Orphan Care International’s Amy Norton and Russian Ministries’ Sergey Rakhuba say the two charities are teaming up to send two containers with around 30,000 new shoes to children in Beslan and war-torn Chechnya.

"We've never sent shoes there before and we're so excited in talking with Sergey and hearing that we had an opportunity with his ministry to reach children who have never received new shoes. With his staff, they will get the Gospel message,” said Norton.

While terrorism, conflict and violence remain an every day concern for many in the region, Norton told Mission Network News that the shoes will go a long way to providing hope.

|AD|“Being able to walk up with a new pair of shoes, which any child and family needs in that area, just opens the doors for conversation to be able to talk about why those new shoes are being given to them and then sharing the Gospel and that's what it's all about,” she said.

But more than just shoes, the two ministries are now planning to send out a team to the town.

"We are actually going to partner with Russian Ministries and have a team go to Beslan. The trip is August 31st through September 10th and so the team will be there during the second anniversary of the attack on the school."

According to Norton, the visit will provide a hands-on opportunity to share the Gospel with children who may not have any hope.

“You actually go each day into orphanages, into the schools where families who have suffered from these attacks and just reaching out with the shoes and also with your arms through love and doing a small vacation Bible school programme as you deliver the shoes."