Christian charity launches telephone befriending tool for older people in self-isolation

(Photo: Pexels/Matthias Zomer)

A new telephone befriending tool has been launched to help local churches reach out to older people in self-isolation.

Two's Company has been developed by Linking Lives, a Christian charity that works with churches across the UK to run befriending schemes supporting isolated older people.

The new tool was piloted in four communities across England, Wales and Scotland.  It offers a safe and simple way to connect older people in the community with the member of a local church congregation by phone. 

Linking Lives National Director, Jeremy Sharpe, said: "When it became clear that Covid-19 was going to have such a significant impact, we recognised that we needed to adapt our core processes, and also consider ways in which we could serve churches at this challenging time.

"Two's Company, therefore, began to emerge as a way in which local churches could use their resources, local knowledge and contacts in a way which demonstrates the love of God in a very practical way to those most on the margins at this time."

Each phone befriending service requires a coordinator and dedicated phone line.

Linking Lives UK is offering training to churches to run the scheme, and recommends that the church use volunteers who have already been vetted for previous roles by the church.

There is no charge for the training, although partner churches are invited to make a donation towards the costs of developing and running the service.

With older people and those suffering from underlying health conditions expected to be affected by distancing measures for some time after the lockdown is lifted, Linking Lives UK said that the befriending scheme was a "crucial response" to the crisis and would play an important role in combatting isolation during the longer-term transition back to normality.

Rev Dr Chris Steed, team rector at a church in Calmore, Southampton, has brought together a pool of volunteers to run the helpline, which is being advertised in the community and through local schools.

"Being able to make use of this tailored approach has enabled us to respond quickly and effectively in engaging with local volunteers and those requesting regular calls," he said. 

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