Christian charity releases resources for couples & parents

Care for the Family, a Christian organisation committed to strengthening family life, has just launched two new DVD resources aimed at helping couples and parents putting the spark back into their family life.

The DVD's entitled "21st Century Marriage" and "21st Century Parent" feature the best-selling author and international speaker Rob Parsons who tackles issues which affect modern families, such as the work/life balance, tired tots and teenagers.

According to a survey by Care for the Family 51 per cent of parents are worried about how to balance their work and home life effectively.

In addition, the Children's society found in a survey that 61 per cent of parents felt they did not get to spend enough time with their children.

The DVD's are divided into eight 20 minute sessions each of which goes through one aspect of marriage or parenting. The DVD's also come with a workbook and encourages couples to make time for each other and for their children.

Rob Parsons said that, "I believe that taking time out to strengthen our relationships with our children and partners is time well spent. And we've produced these new resources to help parents and couples do just that.

"The eight short sessions can be watched in different ways - maybe once a week, or perhaps over a long weekend. I'd encourage you to choose a way that works best for you - and invest in your most important relationships."