Christian Choice promises to put families first

Quality of life for Londoners will only be improved by putting families first and
giving unqualified backing to marriage, according to Christian campaigners
in the GLA elections.

Launching their election manifesto 'Hope for London 2008' in Hackney this week, 'The Christian Choice' said the culture of youth crime, educational under-achievement, health problems and relationship breakdown in the capital had been linked by numerous studies to the decline in marriage.

London Mayoral candidate Alan Craig leads the opposition on Newham Borough Council. At the launch at Ridley Market in Kingsland Road, Hackney, Craig and other Assembly candidates outlined their manifesto priorities, which include greater support for families, ending the culture of youth violence and building more affordable homes.

Speaking to shoppers at the market, near the site of a
murder at Matalan's last Saturday, Craig said that ending the culture
of youth violence in London required working with families.

"London is a high-crime society with a complacent Civic Hall. Ken, Boris
and Paddick know the studies linking family breakdown and crime, but
propose nothing to strengthen the family based on marriage. The Christian
Choice will change this," he promised.

"Our priority is to keep families together - so youngsters have fathers;
mothers are empowered to choose to raise their children at home and where
poverty is kept at bay by rewarding work fairly. "

Christian Choice's manifesto priorities:

Back Families and Marriage
Mend Broken London by backing families demonstrating a commitment
to stay together. Every couple marrying in London will get a grant of £1,000.

End the culture of youth violence
Support fathers as role-models for their sons. End reasons for repeat offending
through mandatory drugs tests of prisoners in jail. Extend Street Pastors scheme.

More Affordable Homes
Build 50,000 more affordable homes in London over the next three years, with
a commitment that over 40% are 4 bedrooms or more. Provide deposit loans.

Reject the Olympics Mega Mosque
Support integration by opposing separatist plans outlined by extremist Tabliqi
Jamaat sect to build a 12,000 capacity mega-mosque in West Ham.

Tackle inequality with more jobs
Support the London Living Wage of £7.20 per hour. Tackle UK's highest rate of
unemployment through a £500 million London Regeneration Fund for new jobs.

See Alan Craig on YouTube speaking on London Street Pastors and drugs in London prisons at: