Christian councillor hinges mayoral bid on 'mega-mosque' opposition

One of the leading opponents to plans for a giant mosque to be built next to the site of the 2012 Olympics has launched his campaign for Mayor and the London Assembly. If approved, the so-called mega-mosque will be Europe's largest.

Cllr Alan Craig, who leads the Christian Peoples Alliance group on Newham Council, says the mosque and the highly controversial Islamic group behind it pose major issues for the future of London, especially after leading Muslim groups came out to endorse pro-mosque Ken Livingstone's mayoral effort.

"Europe's biggest mosque project at West Ham must be challenged for the sake of open diverse London," said Cllr Craig.

Councillor Craig is running as candidate for London Mayor and first candidate for the London Assembly party list for both the Christian Peoples Alliance and the Christian Party. The joint ticket is offering Londoners 'The Christian Choice'.

Cllr Craig has been vocal in his opposition to the plans of the separatist Islamic sect Tablighi Jamaat to build the giant mosque in West Ham. The site is just one mile from the ward area Cllr Craig represents as a Newham councillor.

Speaking at his London Mayoral launch next to the proposed site in West Ham, Cllr Craig said: "Londoners are right to be proud of our diverse and multi-ethnic capital where openness and tolerance are vital for our thriving world-class city.

"This proposed national landmark mosque stands for separateness and secrecy and against social cohesion. It will do London no good.

"Ken Livingstone has tried to shut down democratic debate by smearing legitimate opponents and condemning the campaign against the mosque. Yet the same Ken Livingstone has publicly hugged and welcomed an intolerant gay-stoning, wife-beating fundamentalist like Sheikh al-Qaradawi to City Hall on Londoners' behalf.

"The Mayor's equalities mask is slipping and his political faith-bias is showing. The aim of my campaign will be to unite Londoners around a more optimistic and positive approach, rooted in the Christian ethic of love for our neighbour."

Concern about the mosque will be one part of the The Christian Choice election effort, "Hope for London 2008". The campaign's five key commitments are to back families and marriage, end the culture of youth violence, provide more affordable homes, reject the Olympics mega mosque, and tackle inequality with more jobs.

In 2000 and 2004, nearly 100,000 people gave a vote to the CPA. If the same number vote for The Christian Choice list this time, Alan Craig will cross the 5 per cent threshold for the London Assembly. Second on the list is Christian Party activist, Paula Warren, a UK-born business woman and single mother of Caribbean parentage.

Director of the Centre for Islamic Pluralism, Dr Irfan al-Alawi joined the launch to show his support for Cllr Craig's opposition to the mosque.