Christian Groups Outraged at TV Crucifixion

Christian groups were outraged last night as an ananatomy expert's shared plans to crucify a corpse on live TV sparked outrage.

Gunther von Hagens, who is infamous for his exhibits of human remains, wants to show how Jesus would have suffered during the ordeal.

But Christian groups accused the 90-minute Channel 4 show of exploiting one of their faith's most sacred cornerstones.

Church of England spokesman Steve Jenkins said: "This will upset and offend lots of Christians as it seems he's using the crucifixion simply to grab attention."

"It could well be we'd want to take action."

Von Hagens preserves corpses by plastination, in which body fat and fluids are replaced by plastic. In 2002 he performed the UK's first public autopsy in 170 years, broadcast on Channel 4.

Its digital station More4 will air his new show, Crucifixion, at a date yet to be fixed. Producers Firefly called it "a 90-minute film in which Gunther plastinates 'Jesus'."

Channel 4 last night tried to calm down the complaints. A spokeswoman claimed: "This is a science and history documentary on the anatomy after crucifixion. It will not be a specific representation of Christ."