Christian mayoral candidate pledges more jobs

The only London Mayoral party candidate with first-hand knowledge of
running a major company says he will use his business background to tackle
inequality and bring more jobs to the capital.

Outlining his Manifesto for Business this morning at a breakfast of Brent church leaders, Alan Craig of The Christian Choice said a successful business climate is vital to bringing London the jobs it needs.

According to government statistics, unemployment rates have steadily
increased in London since 2002 and are now the highest in the UK. Brent has
unemployment levels higher than the London average.

Cllr Craig said: "The capital needs experienced business leadership. I will promote London as a centre of enterprise, innovation and opportunity. And I will make the
case for business to invest and also ensure that the capital has a high-skilled,
well-paid workforce with a climate that favours new jobs coming to the capital."

Cllr Craig is leader of the opposition on Newham Borough Council in
London's East End. A former top business executive, Alan Craig has spent two decades living and working in London's most deprived district, Canning Town in Newham, where he has witnessed first-hand the impact that poverty has had on families.

He continued, "The gap between London's haves and have-nots has widened remorselessly under Labour - latest figures show the share of the poorest fifth in the UK has fallen as the richest fifth has grown larger. Not only is
inequality an affront to social justice, it fuels crime, divides Londoners
between rich and poor, corrodes democracy and decreases social mobility.

"I will change this through better jobs skills training, winning new investment, better schooling and through an approach at City Hall that takes business seriously."

Key Points Business Manifesto:

1. The Christian Choice will prioritise the case for tax-payer value and
greater efficiency in managing City Hall, so that London keeps its
international prominence.
2. A £500 million London Regeneration Fund from existing business support
agencies, individuals and institutions will be established to provide interest
free loans to fast-growing London firms.
3. A London Living Wage of £7.20 per hour. Better work and life balance for
all and the restoration of 52 shopping-free Sundays a year.
4. Practical, onsite training and career teleports to help local people in
London get the skills they need to fill local job vacancies.
5. A Church Social Action Fund for London to give match funding to faith
groups working on getting long-term unemployed back into the workforce.

Hear what Alan Craig has to say on YouTube