Christian Medical Students' Annual Conference to Tackle Major Ethical Issues

Organised by the Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), the National Christian Medical Students’ Conference entitled "Real Right Through - authentic faith in a superficial age" will take place on 21st-23rd January, at the Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick in Derbyshire.

In light of advancing medical technology, a number of controversial ethical issues are being debated by worldwide medical professionals, for instance, human cloning, stem cell research, abortion and euthanasia.

Last Summer, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) in Britain granted the first licence in Europe allowing experts at the University of Newcastle to perform therapeutic cloning using human embryos for stem cell research. Additionally, the drafted Mental Capacity Bill in the UK was alleged to have put many lives at risk by legalising euthanasia "by the back door".

Many debates between the law makers, pro-lifers and Christians have resulted. However, there has been no definitive conclusion and doubts remain.

As the theme of the conference suggests, the Christian student doctors will debate how they can maintain an authentic Christian witness in a workplace environment dominated by post-modern spiritualities.

Peter Saunders, General Secretary of the CMF said, "The students will discuss ways in which a Christian world view can respond to the competing truth claims of other belief systems and they can hold to the claims of Christ in a way that engages with those they come into contact with. It is absolutely key for students to have a firm foundation for their faith before it is tested in the maelstrom of life as a doctor in 21st century Britain."

The main speaker of the conference is Richard Cunningham, head of student ministries at UCCF (Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship). UCCF is made up of Christian Unions (CUs) in both universities and colleges in England, Scotland and Wales. All the speakers at the conference are medical professionals and include Nick Land, Peter Armon, Dave Stevens and Becky Brain.

About 280 are expected to attend from all over the UK along with over 20 students from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

Difficult issues to be discussed include infertility, evangelising patients, abortion, transsexuality and alternative medicine. Time and money management and surviving as a House Officer are other more practical topics for the student doctors.

The programme for the weekend starts on Friday 21st with dinner and concludes with a worship and communion service on Sunday afternoon.

Peter Saunders added, "This conference is an important opportunity for students to come and hear senior colleagues talk about issues that will challenge and develop their Christian faith as they progress in their chosen field of expertise within the medical profession."

The CMF was founded in 1949 and is an interdenominational organisation whose members include 5,000 British doctors in all branches of medicine. A registered charity, it is linked to about 50 similar bodies in other countries throughout the world.

The CMF aims to unite Christian doctors in pursuing the highest ethical standards in Christian and professional life and to increase faith in Christ and acceptance of his ethical teaching.

Please visit CMF website for further details.