Christian Organisations Support Tsunami-Affected Youths in Sri Lanka

|TOP|Christian Aid recently financially assisted a three month masonry training for tsunami-affected youths of Muttur east, Sri Lanka, which was conducted by The Pattalipuram Poonchcholai People's Development Organisation (PPDO).

The event was held in the Pattalipuram Training Centre, where Mr.M.A.M.Niyas, Muttur Divisional Secretary, handed over the certificates and a package of masonry implements to twenty-three youths who completed their training.

Learning materials and schools bags were distributed during the event, to a group of 150 tsunami affected students from Nallur, Pattalipuram, and Santhoshapuram villages in the Muttur east, with financial support from CARE International.

At the commencement of the event, Mr.Theepan,
Trincomalee district sports head of the LTTE hoisted the Tamileelam national flag.|AD|

Muttur Divisional Secretary Mr.Niyas, Co-ordinator of the Trincomalee District Youth Development Aham, Mr.P.Satsivanandan and several others lit the traditional oil lamp. Mr.V.Giritharan presided over the event. Mr.Prakashkumar of Christian Aid and Mr.Ramanadas of Care International represented their organisations, sources said.

In other news, World Vision recently inaugurated projects to provide learning facilities for students and psychosocial development for children at Ganeshapuram and Kadatkaraichchenai in the Liberation Tigers held Muttur east.

Eighteen teachers have been appointed to conduct classes in the centre, with World Vision will provide them with remuneration.