Christian Peoples Alliance condemns London casino report

Following the publication Wednesday of the report of an Advisory Commission on the proposed large Newham casino, Cllr Alan Craig, leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance on Newham Council, has said that the executive Mayor of Newham Sir Robin Wales should stop dithering and follow the lead of the Prime Minister.

"Gordon Brown cancelled the supercasino at Manchester because of real doubts about the supposed regeneration benefits. Sir Robin should do the same for Newham's large casino," said Cllr Craig.

The Advisory Commission, headed by retired High Court judge Sir Henry Brooke, has ignored the Prime Minister's arguments, CPA says, and has come to the "contentious conclusion that there are significant benefits such as regeneration potential, jobs and training opportunities and the sweetener of a proposed trust fund for the community".

However, the Commission also accepted Newham Council's own opinion survey, carried out by BMG Research, which, they acknowledge, shows the majority of local people are against a large casino.

Opponents of the casino point to worldwide examples of the substantial social costs associated with casinos in deprived areas like Newham, such as increased crime, family breakdown and gambling addiction.

Sir Robin said on Monday that there will therefore be yet further consultation and a further poll of residents' views.

"This is Russian dolls," said Craig. "Survey follows investigation which follows consultation which follows opinion poll. Like the Commission, the Mayor clearly prefers the casino but is faced with implacable and evidence-based opposition. He bobs and weaves, avoids taking the right decision and hopes somehow he can find a way out of his dilemma. So now we are to have yet another opinion survey.

"This is becoming an expensive farce. This 'commission of the great and good' wasted £100,000 of taxpayers' money, which is £1,000 for each page of their report. The further consultation and opinion poll will cost yet more.

"Sir Robin should put the casino proposal out of its misery and terminate it once and for all."