Christian Peoples Alliance Defends Faith Schools

The Christian Peoples Alliance in Scotland has called the Scottish Greens "eco-fascists" over their plans for religious schools.

The CPA condemned the Greens for wanting to integrate state religious schools into non-denominational education, making the defence of faith schools a major pledge in their campaign.

Joan Dillon, CPA Scotland's Central region candidate, said the Scottish Greens threaten parental choice, freedom of religion and diversity.

"The Greens in Scotland have become eco-fascists, threatening a totalitarian response to parental choice, freedom of religion and the European Convention on Human Rights," she said.

"Scottish church schools have undoubted successes in bringing people of diverse backgrounds together.

"At their best, they give a well-grounded education to their pupils and the kind of responsible, moral outlook that so many parents crave, especially among ethnic minority parents."

The Green's co-convener Robin Harper said religious schools in a multi-faith society had no place in the state-funded system, and that he believed a move to greater integration would be welcomed.

Mr Harper said: "Across Europe, state education is almost universally secular. We have nothing against independently financed faith-based schools.

"We simply believe that schools dedicated to advancing one particular faith over all others has no place in a state-funded system and an inclusive multi-faith society.

"Greens acknowledge that this is a highly contentious issue. It is not, and never has been, one of our key pledges but we are certain that for many people of all faiths moves towards greater integration would be welcomed."