Christian Peoples Alliance re-elects Craig as national head

The Christian Peoples Alliance has re-elected Councillor Alan Craig as national leader of the party to take on what it calls "Labour's political dominance" in the East End of London.

Councillor Craig is currently a Leader of the Opposition in Newham, where he has fought against Government plans to build a major new regional casino in the area, and Mayor Ken Livingstone's support for a 12,000 capacity mega-mosque proposed by the controversial Tabliqi Jammat.

Writing to party members across the country, Craig said that his aim was to see the party become more active in local areas to demonstrate the servant-heart of the Christian message in the renewal of communities.

"One by one, we are witnessing the lights being turned out on democratic freedoms in Britain. Labour is creating an increasingly authoritarian and Christophobic nanny state, with proposals and actions such as 90 day detention, ID cards and the refusal to allow a conscience clause over 'gay adoption'," Craig said.

He added: "As CPA Leader, my aim is to show that our liberties in Britain are a direct social consequence of the spiritual freedom that comes from the preaching of the gospel and the nation's Judeo-Christian heritage."

Setting immediate sights on moving towards the 5 per cent threshold that will qualify the party for a seat in the London Assembly elections next year, Cllr Craig said that the precedent of Christian Democrats in government across Europe was a hopeful one for the Christian Peoples Alliance, although he added that "CPA must develop a fresh vibrant Christian democracy that is relevant to the issues impacting Britain in the 21st century".

Craig said, "It is only eight years since CPA was founded and even now we are in a new era for the party. We can set off with our heads held high and a real enthusiasm for the noble task of establishing Christian Democracy in this country.

"The body politic urgently needs the renewal of the Christian basis of our democracy and, small as we are, it is by God's grace that CPA is called to be the pioneer in this task."

In a further election, CPA members returned former civil servant and Woolwich resident, Stephen Hammond, as its Federal President.