Christian Persecutions in Asia & China Worry British Parliament

The severe persecution of Christians in parts of South East Asia and China was highlighted by MPs in a House of Commons debate last Wednesday 13th July, according to the UK-based human right watchdog Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW).

David Drew MP (Labour, Stroud) introduced the debate, beginning with an overview of the situation in South East Asia and China, focusing in particular on Vietnam, according to CSW.

Drew has explained many instances of persecution, which he described as the "awful cases of the most direct action against Christians", including the deliberate withholding of aid by the Vietnamese Government from Christians in many parts of Vietnam.

"Whether we are a Christian or follower of another religion or none, we should never lose sight of what is happening to Christians in other parts of the world," Drew said thoughtfully. He appealed to the British Parliament to take action against the alleged persecution of Christians by Vietnamese authorities.

"We ask the Minister to raise the issue directly with the Vietnamese authorities to make it clear that there is documented evidence of mistreatment of people in their community trying to practise their religion...We should be taking up such cases and telling the Vietnamese authorities that we know what is going on and that they must desist."

The US Department of State, which has been working on many human rights issues across the world, has also condemned Vietnam for violating religious freedom. Earlier this year, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) designated Vietnam a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) for persecuting minority Protestants, Catholics and independent Buddhists.

Open Doors, an international organisation supporting persecuted churches and Christians in the world, ranks Vietnam as the third most dangerous country within 50 countries "where Christians suffer most for their faith."

Newly-elected Stephen Crabb MP (Conservative, Preseli Pembrokeshire), focused on religious persecution in China, according to CSW.

He noted, "The Chinese Government seems to regard religion as a threat to their power. As a result, they place severe restrictions on religious activities and seek to control them."

Crabb cited the extreme case of persecution that occurred on 24th June in Henan Province, China. The house church leader, Pastor Chen Dongming was arrested in a massive police raid as he held leadership training courses in his house with around 100 Pastors from several major cities.

Crabb complained that the 50 police officers "had first surrounded the entire village, as if they were hunting dangerous armed criminals or terrorist suspects. Instead, their target was a harmless...Christian pastor who was doing nothing more than trying to serve God."

The discussion has come just two days after the controversial Religious Hatred Bill has been approved by the British Parliament despite strong evangelical opposition against its threat to freedom of speech. Some say it may have signalled a rising concern over the crash between government policy and religious freedom existing in modern society.

A number of the MPs paid tribute to the work of Christian Solidarity Worldwide during the meeting.

Conservative Front Bencher Anne McIntosh said, "I would like to praise and recognise the work of Christian Solidarity Worldwide...We congratulate it on its work and on the thorough research that it does in bringing issues to the attention of the wider public."

Foreign Office Minster Ian Pearson said he believed that dialogue with individual countries is the best way to help the persecuted Christians.

"Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) officials, both here and overseas, work closely with representatives of religious groups and Non-Governmental Organisations, such as Christian Solidarity Worldwide. I pay tribute to them and acknowledge the work that they do in this field," he added.

CSW's Parliamentary Officer, Dr Alan Hobson, worked closely with MPs to initiate the adjournment debate and to prepare material for it.

David Drew MP said afterwards that it had been "a very good, detailed debate. I am pleased by the content of the Minister’s speech. We will of course follow up with the FCO the issues raised, as a matter of urgency."

Mervyn Thomas, CSW’s Chief Executive said, "The persecution of Christians in South East Asia, and particularly in Vietnam, has struggled to gain the attention of the international community. CSW is pleased this debate highlighted the appalling treatment some Christians receive."

"It is our hope this debate will result in action at the highest levels on behalf of people who struggle to speak up for themselves."