Christian response to terrorism: 'Those who love Jesus shouldn't fear man ... even as they take their final breath'

J.D. King says Christian lives 'should be shaped by the presence of God, not geo-politics.'(Twitter/J.D. King)

There are so many things happening in the world that make people fearful for their safety and security, and Christian author and speaker J.D. King, who is also the director of the World Revival Network, can understand why.

"Based on what's being broadcast on television and social media, people are unsettled. Many envision atrocities that could afflict our families and unravel our quiet neighbourhoods. Increasing unrest and suspicion grips the lives of multitudes," he writes in an article for Charisma News.

King says there is nothing wrong being mindful of the things that are happening in this world, and as believers of Jesus Christ, people should accept "the burdens of others and intercede for peace on the earth."

However, he also notes that believers do not have the privilege of embracing fear and shutting down their hearts and minds to the evil that is happening around the world.

"Whenever we're anxious, our incredible identity and calling is undermined. Christians simply cannot be world-changers if we're paralysed by the fear of violence," he says. "It may seem unnatural, but there should be an overwhelming freedom and joy—not trepidation. We shouldn't be anxious about anything. The trajectory of our lives should be shaped by the presence of God, not geo-politics. Those who love Jesus shouldn't fear man or be hesitant about where they stand—even as they take their final breath."

Even if something horrific were to happen, King says it is okay since Christians can always find solace in the perfect love of Jesus.

He adds that "genuine citizens" of God's kingdom should never be anxious about heaven or earth because they will always be at peace whether they live or die.

"It's impossible to stop those who know the perfect love of God. Not even death can keep them from their destiny," says King.