Christian Revival in Baghdad as Iraqis Find Comfort in Faith

Canon Andrew White of The Foundation for Reconciliation in the Middle-East (FRME) has declared that the attendance at his church in Baghdad, Iraq is booming, as more and more seek God to cope with the extreme difficulties in their lives amidst car bombings, kidnappings and poverty.

Also regarded as the 'Vicar of Baghdad', Rev White has worked in the Middle-East region since before the Gulf War, and the FRME is the only evangelical body in the world, which is running both the religious track of the Middle-East Peace Process, as well as working on the complex search for peace in Iraq.

Canon White is the leader of St George’s Church in Baghdad, where earlier this year in September, the entire lay leadership of the church are feared dead after going missing. Canon White said he had been told on 13 September that the Anglican team was attacked while returning from Jordon on the notoriously dangerous road linking the Iraqi cities of Ramadi and Fallujah.