Christian Rights Group Urges EU Action on Burma

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has presented a letter to the European Union Presidency Wednesday, calling for a strong EU response to the current situation in Burma. The letter was delivered following a demonstration held in Brussels.

The letter urges EU Foreign Ministers to discuss the crisis in Burma at their meeting this week, and calls on the EU to support moves to bring Burma before the United Nations Security Council. It also recommends the creation of an EU Special Representative on Burma.

Action Birmanie, a Belgian NGO which co-signed the letter, and the Euro-Burma Office, an organisation which promotes democracy in Burma, participated in the demonstration in front of the Commission and Council buildings.

Since 19 August, hundreds of people have joined some of the largest demonstrations held in Burma in a decade. The protests were initiated following the military regime's decision to raise fuel prices by 500 per cent.

In response, the regime has launched a severe crackdown on protestors. Over 150 people have been arrested in the last two weeks, including almost all the leading pro-democracy activists, and demonstrators have been savagely attacked by police and hired mobs.

At least one protestor, Ye Thein Naing, has been denied medical treatment in detention for a broken leg sustained during one such attack. At least 41 other prisoners have gone on hunger strike in protest of the poor treatment he has received.

On 28 August, the Portuguese Presidency issued a declaration on behalf of the European Union condemning the detention of the activists who were exercising their right to protest peacefully.

CSW's National Director, Stuart Windsor, said: "Although we welcome the statement from the EU's Presidency, the situation in Burma merits a far stronger response. Over the years, the EU has reiterated its concern and its hope for a democratic future for Burma. The time has come now to replace words with action."

He urged the European Union to "demonstrate its serious concern" by putting the issue of Burma on the agenda of the EU Foreign Ministers meeting to be held this weekend, and to raise Burma in other EU and UN forums "as a matter of urgency".

"We call on the EU to support action at the UN Security Council, and to appoint an EU Special Representative on Burma," he said.

"We urge the EU to use its influence to encourage China, India and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to put pressure on the regime to stop the crackdown on protestors and demand the release of those activists who have been arrested."