Christian solicitor forgives drug addict who stole from him despite act of charity

A Christian senior partner in a law firm partner has forgiven the drug addict he employed out of kindness after he stole thousands of pounds worth of items from his home.

Richard Rawsthorn, a senior partner at Lawson Coppock and Hart in Manchester, hired Big Issue seller James McConnell to work as a cleaner at his £350,000 home.

Instead, McConnell stole three saxophones, a trumpet, two digital cameras and two laptop computers worth £6,000 to feed his drug habit, according to The Telegraph.

Mr McConnell, who admitted the theft, was sentenced this week to nine months in prison by Burnley Crown Court.

The court heard that Mr Rawsthorn had frequently given Mr McConnell after the latter told him he had debt problems and was trying to get off the streets.

Mr Rawsthorn was quoted by The Telegraph as saying after the sentencing: “I regard myself as the author of my own misfortunes. I’m not your average victim of crime.

“I was naïve and took a risk and if I had known more about drug addiction then I would never have given him the key.

“I am not a vindictive sort of chap and whilst I personally feel it was his fault, he was in the grip of this drug addiction.

“I should never have put him in that position. I have forgiven him and I almost feel guilty myself.”