Christian Students in U.S. Continue to Help Katrina Victims

|TOP|As the Gulf Coast region in the south east corner of the U.S. continues the long-term task of reconstructing homes and lives, Christian students from across the country continue to help those left devastated by Hurricane Katrina which struck in summer 2005.

The U.S. student ministry InterVarsity has been running special Urban Projects in the hurricane-affected regions to help the survivors rebuild not just their physical lives but their spiritual lives too.

The Urban Projects comprise of two elements: reconstruction and Christian outreach.

"Urban Projects, which is what we call these experiential discipleship events, really brings these two things back together, where the Word of God and the work of God go side by side,” explains Randy White, National Coordinator for Urban Projects.

“So, working in a disaster zone, such as has happened in areas affected by [Hurricane] Katrina, has really helped us develop these programmes,” he said.

|AD|According to White, 300 students from across four different states have signed up to take part in the InterVarsity Katrina Relief Urban Project.

Spring break urban plunges have already been scheduled for March, while plans are being finalised for four trips to the affected regions in June.

The participating students in the plunge events will come together to live, work and study Scripture, while also getting to grips with pressing issues in the affected regions such as social justice and racial harmony. The main focus is to serve those who have suffered great loss in the disaster, reports Mission Network News.

White explained that participation in the Urban Projects is part of the calling to serve.

"Our unique call or niche, is to stand in between, being sure that both communities have the resources that they need."

Even now, the clean-up and reconstruction operation continues in full swing with humanitarian agencies still working in the area continuing to schedule for the long-term reconstruction effort.

The Urban Projects will stay the course, assures White: “For the long term, we want to develop leaders who will stay in New Orleans, be part of the reconstruction, apply biblical principles of transformation, and seek the peace of the city."