Christian Union Youth Work Conference: Stories from the Edge

"Stories from the Edge", a conference organised by a wide range of highly respected Christian organisations will take place for three days from 23rd April until 25th April. The conference is organised by Frontier Youth for Christ, YMCA, Church Army, Greenbelt, Worth Unlimited, Churches Together in England, Hands and Scripture Union, and will be held at "All Saints Pastoral Centre" in London, Colney.

The event is focussed upon strengthening and supporting excluded young people in work. It's a place to be and make sense of the tensions, busy-ness and complexities of connecting God's story to the stories of young people.

The organisers describe the event as, "Not so much a glitzy homecoming but more an earthy experience of theology, practice, friendship and ideas. The context is one of passion, community and creativity - not one where the categories of paid, unpaid, professional, part-time or full-time mean very much. It's about stories of what the Churches, organisations and youth workers are doing with young people out there, on the edge of society and church, and the stories of young people themselves."

Rev. Roger Sainsbury, the retired Bishop of Barking and the Chair of the National Youth Agency has said, "I am delighted to have been invited to speak at this important conference. The churches do much good youth work with disadvantaged young people, and I hope that this conference will further equip youth workers in their vital role."

Stories from the Edge will involve workshops to debate issues surrounding multi faith, to hear and explore success stories and evangelism, and to reflect on practice (involving Black youth work, Art and drama, and spiritual discipline youth work).
There are only 120 places for the event, which are given on a first come basis. Further enquiries and information about the event can be obtained by contacting Vickie Dunlop on 0121 687 3505 or log on to