Christian worker murdered in India following religious conversions

The body of a Christian working for Trans World Radio was found last month in a jungle area near Sahoda village, Jharkhand state, India.

Police believe he was shot dead by local criminals under the direction of villagers who may have been incited by a Hindu extremist group.

Ajay Topno, 38, had been involved in the church in Sahoda village, where at least three tribal families had converted to Christianity. He was on his way to visit the village when he disappeared on 16 September. His wife alerted the authorities, who recovered his body three days after his disappearance.

According to the most recent report from the persecution news agency Compass Direct, police suspect that the murder was committed by local criminals at the behest of villagers, angry at the conversion of the three families.

The report claimed that a Hindu extremist group, Adivasi Sarna Samiti, may have incited the attack by calling upon villagers to target Christian missionaries instead of converts, and singling out Topno.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide's (CSW) partners, the All India Christian Council (AICC), held a meeting in Jharkhand on 21 September, and called upon the state government to ensure that the perpetrators were brought to justice.

Sam Paul, AICC Secretary of Public Affairs, said, "We are greatly dismayed at news of this killing, and reiterate our concern that violence against Christians in India is increasing in frequency and intensity.

"Unless this attack and others are fully investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice, Christians will only become more vulnerable and the community will come under further attack."

CSW Advocacy Director, Alexa Papadouris, said, "This year, CSW has again recorded a consistent pattern of violence against Christians in India, often committed with impunity, which highlights the continued vulnerability of this minority religious community.

"We urge the authorities investigating the shooting of Ajay Topno to not only bring the perpetrators to justice, but also to fully probe allegations indicating the attack was incited by Hindu extremists."