Christians Against Poverty Scoops Second Charity Award

|PIC1|National debt counselling charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is celebrating after being named "Best Charity to Work For" for the second year running at the glittering UK Charity Times Awards last Wednesday.

Christians Against Poverty is an international charity seeking to help people suffering under the burden of debt across the UK, and through its work practically demonstrate the love of Christ.

It currently has 66 local debt counselling centres across the UK helping more than 7,000 people out of debt and poverty every year, employing more than 100 staff, and seeing more than 200 people becoming Christians each year.

Matt Barlow, UK Chief Executive, said, "It's just awesome that CAP, as a Christian charity, has won this award two years in a row.

"Since the start, CAP has been committed to developing a fun, passionate environment, where staff really are supported and cared for, so they can serve to the very best of their abilities.

"We recognise that it's God and His Spirit at the heart of all we do which has made this culture possible and made CAP simply the best charity to work for."

The Charity Awards are national awards for all UK charities which recognise leadership and professionalism. CAP was chosen for the award from among other nominees including the British Heart Foundation and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance.

All staff were given the opportunity to nominate the charity, rate it on various aspects and comment on why it should win. Having a staff team who are passionate about helping people out of debt, combined with a great working environment, meant that Christians Against Poverty received this accolade as the "Best Charity to Work For" in the UK.

Staff member Debbie Thompson comments: "CAP is the best charity to work for because we have a practical and spiritual answer to the problems of our generation. We are seeing lives completely turned around from despair to delight.

"At the same time we get to work with a great group of people who draw the best out of us, who give purpose and meaning to our own lives. And we have such a laugh along the way!"