Christians Are Urged to Vote on June 10 by Evangelical Alliance

On Thursday June 10 the biggest group of elections across the country; the European Parliamentary elections, London Mayoral, London Assembly and local elections will take place. The Evangelical Alliance strongly urges Christians to be pro-active and to make a difference by voting on Thursday.

Don Horrocks, Public Affairs manager of the Evangelical Alliance says, "People need to be engaged with the election process. It is only in this way that they are able to contribute to building a Britain and Europe that reflects Christian principles to any meaningful degree. Jesus taught that we should render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. He said we should be salt and light in society. Christians who opt out of their citizenship duties are ignoring this teaching."

A report entitled 'Faith, Work & City: A Christian contribution to the Mayor of London Election 2004', was written up in May 2004 by the Evangelical Alliance with London Church Group for Social Action which highlighted key points of concern for Christians to be aware of when voting. In addition to this report the Evangelical Alliance, together with CARE have developed a website which aims to allow Christians to make more informed decisions during the European Parliamentary elections.