Christians Call for Fasting & Prayer for Burma Crisis

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has announced plans for a day of fasting on 4 September and a day of prayer on Sunday 9 September in response to the current crisis in Burma.

The events are being organised in conjunction with Burma Campaign UK.

Over the past ten days some of the biggest demonstrations in a decade have been taking place in Burma. Hundreds of people have marched peacefully almost every day since 19 August in protest at the military regime's decision to raise fuel prices by 500 per cent.

However, in response to the peaceful protests, the regime has launched a brutal crackdown, reports CSW.

Over 100 people have been arrested so far. Demonstrators, including women, have been beaten up with iron rods and bamboo sticks by the police and the junta's proxy mobs. Almost all the leading pro-democracy activists have been detained, and may be sentenced to up to 20 years in jail.

Among those arrested are Min Ko Naing and Ko Ko Gyi - two leaders of the pro-democracy movement in 1988 when thousands of peaceful protestors were massacred by the regime. They have already served 16 and 15 years in prison respectively during which time they endured terrible torture.

CSW's National Director, Stuart Windsor, said: "We are calling for Christians around the country to join in a special day of prayer on Sunday 9 September at the request of Burmese exiles and campaign groups.

"We urge churches to include Burma in their Sunday service intercessions that day. We encourage people to pray for the release of those arrested, for action by the international community, and for meaningful dialogue between the regime, the democracy movement and the ethnic nationalities."

Windsor concluded: "We also support calls for a global hunger strike on Tuesday 4 September. We encourage Christians to fast and pray on 4 September in solidarity with the people of Burma who continue to show extraordinary courage and dignity, risking attack, arrest, torture and even death to protest peacefully at the injustice of the military regime."