Christians Called to 'Get More Out' on Church Army Sunday

The Church Army will hold its annual Church Army Sunday on 25th September which will be based around the theme of Get Out More. The aim is to equip churches to develop an effective Christian presence in everyday situations in the community. Church Army describes the work as pioneer evangelism – to reach those that are outside the influence of the church.
Get Out More focuses on challenging churches to take on a mission activity to emphasise the need for Christians to be making a difference in the community.

David Coleman, Church Army's communications manager commented: "Earlier this year we challenged the church about its commitment to home mission with the question what will they believe?

"In response to surveys showing more young people interested in horoscopes than the bible, and two out of every 5 people having no meaningful contact with the church. Get OUT More provides a positive response to help churches get back on the front foot using home study materials, a promotional DVD and around 20 action sheets to help equip churches for action."

The event has been backed by a number of Christian agencies and clergy. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, said, “The Church Army is at the forefront of initiatives in evangelism which involve local churches engaging with their communities. I pray that this focus to Get OUT More will receive widespread support and encourage churches in their own outreach."
Philip Johanson, Church Army's Chief Secretary adds: “When we devised the Get OUT More theme for Church Army Sunday, we hoped for as wide a range of resources as possible to help equip churches and Christians with ideas, and I am delighted that Activate have partnered with us in this.

"They have developed a wealth of ideas that help Christians to share their faith in a very informal and creative way. This brand of evangelism is about sharing in a low-key way as we go about our work, rest and play. It’s gentle, topical and accessible to all- in the spirit of what Get OUT More is all about."