Christians called to join party they vote for

Christian representatives of the three main parties have proved it is possible to work together in spite of political differences by calling unanimously on Christians to join the party they vote for on May 6.

Elizabeth Berridge of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, Andy Flannagan of the Christian Socialist Movement, and Zoe Dixon of the Liberal Democrat Christian Forum have made the joint call to remind voters “that some things are more important than politics”.

Ms Berridge said the opportunity for Christians to be salt and light and influence policy in the general election was “enormous”.

“We are not blindly claiming that the parties we represent are perfect. However, we are calling Christians to join them to be a positive influence within our politics and to bring their unique experience from churches who serve communities for the long haul,” she said.

“History shows that this Biblical approach of participation and service is so much more effective than endless petitions. Your vote will last the lifetime of the parliament so why not join the party for that period and the Christian group in that party as well.”

Mr Flannagan said it was easy for Christians to take the role of passive commentators “believing our only duty is to decide which way to vote for”.

“Surely we believe as Christians we are called to lead in society and not just follow,” he said.

“Many of us struggle to decide which party we could join, but at the end of the day sometimes you just have to pick a horse and get on it. It’s time to get in the game, and not just commentate.”

Ms Dixon added: “Now is as good a time as any to make a decision about which party to join, when their policies are being discussed in detail.

“So don’t just vote for a party. Join one! No party is perfect, so let’s stop waiting for the perfect one to appear and be part of bringing kingdom values to those that are here already.”

Christians in Politics has put together resources to help Christians engage with the election, including a YouTube video featuring the leaders of the three main parties.

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