Christians Campaign against BBC Blasphemous Springer Show

The proposed screening of the TV show Jerry Springer the Opera on BBC 2 on Saturday 8th January, has outraged Christians across the UK. It is a televised version of a London theatrical performance, which is being criticised as an exceedingly blasphemous play.

Christian Voice, a UK-wide prayer group, along with other UK-based Christian organisations have launched a protest outside BBC centres in England which will take place over Friday 7th January and Saturday 8th January.

Sources say that the show depicts Jesus Christ, God the Father, Mary, Adam, Eve and Satan all appearing in hell. Jesus, Mary and God are all described as "self-centred sexual deviants who give and receive extreme verbal abuse and a horrific series of blasphemies" all in the name of comedy.

Ofcom, the broadcast regulator, said it had received 4,500 complaints. Also, the BBC said it had received 15,000 calls to complain.

Rev Nigel McCulloch, the Bishop of Manchester has spoken about the broadcasting on behalf of the Church of England. He said, "Freedom of expression is not at issue here. My worry is that this programme is a major departure from the current high expectations of viewers regarding offensive material on a publicly funded channel."

"I remain hopeful that the programme is not as described and the BBC will be mindful not only of its duties and responsibilities, but also to its repeated commitments on taste, decency, harm and offence in the past."

Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice, echoed in his statement, "Free speech is not an unqualified right, it brings responsibilities, and the causing of gratuitous offence is not the hallmark of a civilised society. Let the BBC return to its original Charter, and seek to do good, not evil."

He commented, "The blasphemy of Jerry Springer the Opera lies in denigrating Almighty God and the only Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. God is good, and Jesus lived a life without sin. He is not called to account by anyone. God is not mocked, and I fear for the United Kingdom when we allow such a blasphemous mockery to be screened on national television."

"The BBC have no respect for God, and they hold the views of ordinary people in contempt. We demand respect for the Christian Faith and we are not prepared to allow these attacks on the Christian Faith to go on any longer."

Christian Voice calls on Director-General Mark Thompson of the BBC to cancel the screening of the programme. With protests confirmed outside BBC London, BBC Birmingham, BBC Manchester, BBC Plymouth, BBC Glasgow, BBC Cardiff and BBC Norwich, the group hope that Christians in the UK will send a clear message to the internationally famed television broadcaster that the program is in no way endorsed by the Christian community.

The Guardian newspaper reported that the Mediawatch group has complained about the show. The Evangelical Alliance UK said it was planning to do so also. The head of theology Rev David Hilborn is now reviewing the theatrical version.