Christians celebrate answered prayers

Christians who took part in the Global Day of Prayer on the last day of May, Pentecost Sunday, are celebrating answers to their prayers.

History was made when millions of Christians from 220 nations united in prayer for the fifth Global Day of Prayer. Thousands of Christians are believed to have taken part in the more than 100 events held across the British Isles for the day of prayer.

GDOP organisers said feedback had indicated a "strong sense of urgency" and "the strong presence of God" as well as some "wonderful answers to prayer".

Many locations also joined in the 10 days of prayer preceding Pentecost Sunday, with feedback also being positive. In Luton, one Christian taking part reported that after praying for the police on Wednesday, Bedfordshire Police reported there had been no burglaries and no vehicle crimes.

"There had been rioting in Luton last Sunday, so we thank God for answering our prayers and giving us this encouragement," the report noted.

In Northampton, a united initiative ‘Faith on the Streets’ saw 18 people make commitments to follow Jesus Christ and 40 people wanted more information.

GDOP said those involved in the initiative this year had seen a "deeper level of prayer and Christian unity" and the development of "stronger" partnerships between church, community and government leaders. Many events welcomed mayors, leaders of borough councils and chief constables.

“It is thrilling to see how God is using initiatives such as the Global Day of Prayer to link Christians together to pray and work for transformation both in our local communities and for our nations," said Jane Holloway, UK Coordinator GDOP.