Christians face more difficulties after civil partnerships vote, says group

A conservative group in the Church of England has warned that Christians face an “even more difficult environment” after last week’s vote in the House of Lords to lift a ban on religious ceremonies for civil partnerships taking place in churches.

Church Society said it feared clergy of the established Church would be under particular pressure to conduct ceremonies they felt in their conscience to be wrong.

It echoed the concerns of other Christians that churches may now face legal action if they refuse to conduct such ceremonies on their premises.

“Because of other legislation in recent years, purporting to be about equality, this latest change will create an even more difficult environment for Christians,” it said.

“In this, as in other areas, we are witnessing political leaders who are abandoning the wisdom of God in preference for the folly of man.”

Church Society said it had been a “grave mistake” to legalise civil partnerships and that the family had been undermined.

“For many Christians, the anti-Christian nature of recent legislation, supported by all the main political parties, creates a particular problem,” it said.

“The mainstream parties have all abandoned the Christian moral tradition and the Biblical foundations of our legal and education systems.

“Christians will not want to vote for political parties who are antagonistic to their beliefs and who are acting to prevent Christians living in accordance with their faith.”

The late night vote in the Lords last Tuesday overturns a ban under the Civil Partnerships Act on same sex unions taking place on religious premises. It also allows religious language to be used during the ceremony.

The Church Society’s statement echoes similar concerns voiced by the Evangelical Alliance last week. It said the change in the law would undermine the right of churches to refuse to conduct such ceremonies and leave them confused about what they are allowed to do.

Dr Don Horrocks, head of public affairs at the Evangelical Alliance, said: “The Government therefore needs to make clear that no church will ever in the future be able to be successfully sued on grounds of discrimination for failing to allow a civil ceremony while it continues to permit religious marriages.”