Christians launch seven days of prayer for revival in London

|PIC1|More than 100 Christians from all denominations and traditions gathered in Croydon, South London, last night for the first of seven nights of prayer to bring revival to the capital.

The prayer night marked the launch of Global Day of Prayer London 2009 and will be followed by six more over the next two weeks in different regions across London and Essex.

The prayer nights are being held under the banner of “Yours is the Kingdom” with the aim of mobilising Christians to pray for the capital, the nation and the world, particularly in the run-up to a major daylong prayer gathering for the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, 31 May.

Pastor Jonathan Oloyede, convener of Global Day of Prayer London, was on hand to share the vision.

“Great Britain that was once a powerhouse for mission has become a ship adrift from her moorings. She has lost her bearings and God is bringing people from all over the world to say that this nation belongs to Jesus and that the devil is not going to have this nation. It is time for us to say let God’s will be done, let His Kingdom come,” he said.

GDOP London is part of the worldwide Global Day of Prayer movement, which brings together millions of Christians each year for a day of repentance and prayer for spiritual revival within the church and for God’s Kingdom to come on earth.

The worldwide movement is inspired by 2 Chronicles 7.14, which says, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Pastor Oloyede told the gathering to prepare for revival by living out 2 Chronicles 7.14.

“The Lord says it is time for us to come together and he is saying if my people do my bit then I will hear, I will forgive their sin and heal their land. So let us do our bit and precipitate revival in London.”

The Global Day of Prayer stresses unity across the denominations and in the UK brings together the Church of England, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal and Roman Catholic Churches.

“We want to paint a picture of collaboration, of unity, of Kingdom, that has never been seen before in London,” said Pastor Oloyede. “It is time that we said the walls of partition, of denomination, of church, of culture, creed, colour and class came down.”

GDOP London is being held in conjunction with A Year of Prayer for London, which has for the last two years brought the city’s churches together in a continuous 24/7 prayer chain.

This year, organisers want to see every church within the capital commit to holding at least one prayer meeting for London in the year and there are plans to unite Christians right across the UK in saying the Lord’s Prayer over the nation at the same time.